A Polish family business with tradition
From the moment the order is accepted
Employees with many years of experience
Continuously upgrading the production line
As part of the Polcrux group, we have been operating in the European textile market for nearly 20 years. Pikowanie.pl specialises in quilting services for woven and knitted fabrics and the comprehensive production of bedroom products.
Learn more about our offer.
We are engaged in quilting of woven and knitted fabrics from materials provided by the customer as well as our own. Our specialities include, in particular, mattresses, clothing and upholstery quilting. We have a modern machine park, which allows the use of a wide range of quilting patterns, and enables the execution of individual projects. All of this is to meet the most demanding customer expectations.
The catalogue of our services also includes sewing mattress covers, pillows, quilts and other home textiles. Our specialised team of technologists will help you select the right solution for each order, which is delivered to the highest standards.
Many years of experience in the industry and a knowledge of the textile market will help select the appropriate, certified fabrics and knitwear, available on-site in our company or made to order.
Powiedz nam czego oczekujesz
Doradzimy Ci w doborze komponentów
Według Twoich oczekiwań
Oraz określimy termin realizacji
Produkt zgodny z ustaleniami
Tell us what you expect
Advice on the proper selection of components
According to your expectations
And specifying the completion date
The product as agreed
A wide selection of patterns, textures and fabrics will enable you to realise any project with us.
We will be happy to help. Check out what we can do for you.
Phone: +48 795 086 007
E-mail: orders@pikowanie.pl
Telefon: +48 795 086 007
E-mail: orders@pikowanie.pl
Pikowanie.pl is a family business with traditions, and we can boast about the many certificates we have earned over the years. The materials we work with have quality certificates.
Pikowanie.pl to rodzinna firma z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w branży.
Pikowanie.pl to wykfalifikowane grono pracowników, którzy podejmą się najbardziej wymagających zleceń.
Pikowanie.pl to firma godna zaufania.
Pikowanie.pl to indywidualne podejście do każdego klienta.
Pikowanie.pl zajmuje się pikowaniem tkanin i dzianin z przeznaczeniem dla różnych branż.
Pikowanie.pl to najlepsze komponenty i materiały.
Pikowanie.pl oferuje sprzedaż materiałów, posiadających certyfikaty jakości.
Pikowanie.pl posiada nowoczesny park maszynowy, aby tworzyć dla Państwa produkty najwyższej jakości.
Pikowanie.pl specjalizuje się w produkcji pokrowców na materace, kołder, poduszek
i innych tekstyliów domowych.
Pikowanie.pl to nowoczesne technologie, wysokie standardy i kontrola jakości.
We specialise in service quilting of fabrics and knitwear, and comprehensive manufacturing of bedroom products.
Learn more about our offer.